Fiduciary Responsibility

The future of fiduciary liability is available today. Plan providers should no longer require you to use the funds they select without assuming the fiduciary liability for those funds. At WealthHarbor Retirement Services we deliver what others refuse to provide… responsibility.

We accept the responsibility of fund selection by using a completely objective approach designed around a conflict-free selection process. Our objectivity is further enhanced by returning fund credits and 12b-1 fees back to you to offset your expenses. This allows our research team to identify the best funds based on their performance, stability of management, and style quality in order to deliver a Best-in-Class fund portfolio. And since we are able to do the fund selection from an independent and completely objective standpoint, we assume fiduciary liability.

Reducing your costs through mutual fund credits, providing some of the best funds available, and assuming fiduciary responsibility for fund selection keeps us way ahead of the competition and gives you and your employees a value-packed retirement platform of many top quality funds.